Friday, November 13, 2009

I know this is a trite complaint, but...

Okay, I know that about 98% of campus (and the rest of the fashion-conscious world) has heard this, but it is time for girls to quit the shit with the leggings and North Face jackets. Nevermind the Uggs, I'll get to those later.

First of all, this is New England; the temperature is dropping pretty rapidly, and as each degree makes the air colder your outfit loses practicality. Leggings: Get it. They're comfortable. They probably keep your thighs nice and toasty when it's 60 or 70 degrees outside. But when you look out the window in the morning and notice frost on the grass and think to yourself, "I think I'll wear my black leggings today," it's a wee bit fucked up. When it starts getting that cold, it's a better idea to wear them under your low-rise jeans or even your puke-yellow Live For Pink sweatpants. Personally, I really don't understand why so many people wear this ensemble; underwear lines (yes, we can see your thong lines) and camel-toes are not the least bit attractive. It certainly doesn't help that 99% of the girls who dress this way on a regular basis have an eerily similar haircut. I'm sure that people have thrown the word "clone" around in reference to these unfashionable doppelgangers, but it seems as if the clones don't understand just how accurate the description is.

What's really freaky, though, is the tendency for these girls to band together. They are almost always walking in packs. I have a few friends who send me pictures from their cell phones whenever he gets stuck walking behind one of these herds. I receive these messages with shocking frequency.

And now to the touchy subject of Ugg boots. I get that they're warm and they're probably cozy too. Maybe they are a practical fall boot. But only when it's not raining or snowing, because they are not waterproof. Hence their impracticality in wintertime. I get less annoyed seeing people wearing jeans with their Uggs and North Face jackets simply because they look better (especially when the jeans are not tucked into the boots) and those girls are not trying so hard for people to notice their super unique and never-before-seen personal style. Aside from wearers ignoring the fact that the boots are not waterproof, the Ugg boot is made from sheepskin. Which means that an animal had to die in order for you to have your precious, hideous boots (the same ones that everyone else has and which do not make you stand out in any way). Personally, I am against wearing anything that is made from a dead animal or by the hands of a child in a sweatshop. But I'll save my anger about child labor in mainstream fashion for another post. (Just so you know, Converse was bought out by Nike. You know, those guys who don't pay their five-year-old workers for making their sneakers and soccer balls.)

I don't really have anything against the North Face jacket. They look pretty warm and seem durable. The one thing that bothers me about it is the fact that everybody and their mother has one, in either pink or black. There is such a small amount of stylistic individuality in college and you'd think that students would see college as a time to experiment with their looks.

Whatever, as long as the girls who wear these three things at once don't try to call themselves fashionable.

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